Our Partners

Our goal is to develop a partnership between Germany and Laos for grass root participative initiatives. That is why we are more than happy to work with the great partners and projects you can find below.

Moreover we are always hoping for new collaboration. Feel free to reach out to us with any ideas or propositions.


Schmitz-Stiftungen (WPSS)

The Schmitz Foundations support self-help projects in the field of basic education and promote income generation activities. In Laos projects focus on small scale infrastructure projects to support village developement.

Embassy Ger Vientiane

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Vientiane

In cooperation with the Collegium Wartinum Foundation and funds from the Federal Foreign Office GLAD is renovating the Khamfanh Palace in Luang Prabang and supports the establishment of a German Lao Cultural Center that will be hosted in the building.

Stiftung Nord-Süd Brücken

The Nord-Süd Brücken Foundation (SNSB) is supporting NGOs in many developing countries. In Laos the foundation is specialized in supporting educational projects.

Georg Kraus Stiftung

Georg Kraus Stiftung

The Georg Krauss Foundation supports particular disadvantaged children in developing countries. In Laos projects focus on primary school education projects for disadvantaged children.


Weltfriedensdienst e.V. (wfd)

Weltfriedensdienst supports projects which enable people to a peaceful, self-determined life and the improvement of their living conditions. In Laos WFD supports projects in nonformal education and integrated rural delevopment.


Die Sternsinger Kindermissionswerk e.V.

KMW “Sternsinger” build a project called “Children help Children” supporting mainly children’s aid projects. In cooperation with GLAD primary school and kindergarten education projects are realized in Laos.


Solidaritätsdienst International (SODI)

SODI stands for solidarity for disadvantaged people in developing countries. In Laos projects focus on nonformal education and building up small enterprises.

Mirja Sachs Stiftung


The Mirja-Sachs-Foundation supports particularly disadvantaged children across borders. In Laos projects focus on primary school education for disadvantaged children.


German Lao Association for Development (GLAD)
10/138 Sysangvone Village Saysettha District
Vientiane, Lao P.D.R.


Phone: +856-21-413076 / +856-21-414753
Email: office@glad-lao.net

© 2022 GLAD. German Lao Association for Development.